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Hands-on Lab
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Featured Sessions
Ben Goodman

Ben Goodman, Lead Evangelist, End User Computing

Chris Wolf

Chris Wolf, CTO Americas

Christopher Simpson

Christopher Simpson, Staff Systems Engineer

Chuck Hollis, Rawlinson Rivera, Vijay Ramachandran and Manu Mishra

Moderator:  Chuck Hollis, Chief Strategist, Storage and Availability

Panelist:  Rawlinson Rivera, Principal Architect, Storage and Availability

Panelist:  Vijay Ramachandran, Director of Product Management, Storage and Availability

 Panelist:  Manu Mishra, Sr. Systems Engineer, USC Medical Center

Daniel Bronzatti

Daniel Bronzatti, Systems Engineer, Latin America - VMware Inc.

Com mais de 15 anos de atuação na indústria de TI, Daniel Bronzatti é engenheiro de sistemas da VMware com uma sólida experiência em arquitetura de TI, gerenciamento de projetos e engenharia de pré-vendas. Juntamente com a sua experiência anterior, Bronzatti é especialista em Centro de Dados da VMware e Citrix, soluções para o usuário final e soluções de operação em nuvem.

Bronzatti se juntou à VMware em junho de 2014. Suas responsabilidades incluem treinamento e formação técnica para distribuidores e parceiros da VMware. Ele é o principal engenheiro de pré-vendas na região Sul do Brasil, apresentando o Roadmap, estratégia e visão para especialistas e executivos de TI, líderes e diretores seniores. Ele também estabelece e mantem planos de desenvolvimento de parceiros e KPIs. Bronzatti é detentor da certificação VMware Professional 5 - Data Center Virtualization.

Anteriormente, foi gerente de engenharia de vendas da Citrix e recebeu inúmeros elogios como o profissional mais valioso da área de liderança. Ele também foi arquiteto de TI sênior da Sadia e Técnico Eletrônico na Diebold.

Bronzatti é fluente em Português e Inglês, e possui conhecimento básico em espanhol. Recebeu seu diploma de Bacharel em Ciência de Computação pela Universidade Paulista/UNIP e mestrado em Administração de Negócios em Sistemas de Informação pela PUC-PR. Daniel também possui certificações como especialista em gestão de projetos e técnico em eletrônica.



Claudia Bierschenk,  Operações de Marketing para a VMware NA, América Latina, Moderador

 Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em comunicação e marketing, Claudia Bierschenk dirigiu e executou diversas campanhas em toda a região. Desde 2010, Claudia é responsável pelas operações de marketing da VMware Inc. na América Latina e Caribe.

Em Miami, FL, Claudia é responsável pelos eventos da região, pela comunicação interna e externa para a América Latina. Claudia também supervisiona a publicidade da marca, as promoções, relações públicas, além de ser o principal suporte para as campanhas corporativas realizadas em conjunto com os gerentes de marketing nos diferentes mercados da região. É também responsável por informar e controlar o orçamento regional para o principal escritório da VMware em Palo Alto, CA.

Dentre suas contribuições para a VMware, a executiva já liderou o lançamento dos populares Webcasts em espanhol e português para a América Latina. Além disso, também introduziu o boletim informativo para os parceiros de negócios, destacando os eventos e as oportunidades de crescimento para os distribuidores da marca.

Anteriormente à VMware, Claudia atuou como especialista em marketing na Palm Inc., atual HP, para a América Latina e Caribe.

Claudia concluiu MBA na Universidade Internacional da Flórida (FIU) e é formada em Comunicação pela Universidade Católica Andrés Bello, na Venezuela. É fluente em espanhol, inglês e alemão. Entre seus hobbies pessoais estão as competições de triathlon.

David Kruse and Mike Eisenberg
Edward Blackwell, Jr.

 Edward Blackwell, Jr., Global Accounts Principal Systems Engineer and CTO Ambassador

Geoff Huang
Geoff Huang is Director of Product Marketing at VMware, where he drives security initiatives for the NSX network virtualization platform. Geoff has a breadth of experience in networking and security, spanning industries and verticals. Prior to VMware, Geoff held product management and marketing roles at F5, Juniper, and Cisco. Geoff began his career in R&D in network security. Geoff has an MBA from the UC Berkeley-Haas School of Business, as well as degrees from UC Santa Cruz.
James Millington and Chad Roskam
Juan Damian

Juan Damian, CIM Specialist, Latin America - VMware Inc.

Juan Manuel Damián Rodriguez es especialista en la gestión de infraestructura de nube para VMware América Latina. Con más de 30 años en el sector de tecnología, en la actualidad, Juan Manuel se especializa en automatización, gestión de infraestructura física, virtual y de nube, así como también administra el negocio de la TI.

Basado en Bogotá, Juan Manuel es una pieza fundamental en el desarrollo de la adopción de tecnologías ofrecidas por VMware en las industrias de telecomunicaciones y financieras en la región latinoamericana. Se sumó al equipo de VMware en julio del 2007 y ha ejercido varias posiciones en la compañía incluyendo ingeniero de sistemas cubriendo diferentes industrias y territorios en la región.
Anteriormente, se desempeño en otras compañías de tecnología incluyendo Sun Microsystems e IBM;  respectivamente como Solution Architect y en el área de Product Unit. Además, tiene experiencia en el sector educacional, ya que ejerció como docente en la Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá y en la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería.

Juan Manuel es bilingüe y obtuvo su título en ingeniería en la Universidad de los Andes y su maestría en ciencias de la computación en la Universidad de Illinois. También, se especializó en gerencia tecnológica en la Escuela de Administración de Negocios.
Sus hobbies incluyen la fotografía, la ingeniería de cohetes de agua, el moldeado del paisaje con arcilla polimérica, la lectura y natación. Además, dedica su tiempo a trabajar con organizaciones locales para poder proveer recursos a las escuelas más necesitadas de su comunidad.

Claudia Bierschenk, Operações de Marketing para a VMware na América Latina, Moderador

Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em comunicação e marketing, Claudia Bierschenk dirigiu e executou diversas campanhas em toda a região. Desde 2010, Claudia é responsável pelas operações de marketing da VMware Inc. na América Latina e Caribe.

Em Miami, FL, Claudia é responsável pelos eventos da região, pela comunicação interna e externa para a América Latina. Claudia também supervisiona a publicidade da marca, as promoções, relações públicas, além de ser o principal suporte para as campanhas corporativas realizadas em conjunto com os gerentes de marketing nos diferentes mercados da região. É também responsável por informar e controlar o orçamento regional para o principal escritório da VMware em Palo Alto, CA.

Dentre suas contribuições para a VMware, a executiva já liderou o lançamento dos populares Webcasts em espanhol e português para a América Latina. Além disso, também introduziu o boletim informativo para os parceiros de negócios, destacando os eventos e as oportunidades de crescimento para os distribuidores da marca.

Anteriormente à VMware, Claudia atuou como especialista em marketing na Palm Inc., atual HP, para a América Latina e Caribe.

Claudia concluiu MBA na Universidade Internacional da Flórida (FIU) e é formada em Comunicação pela Universidade Católica Andrés Bello, na Venezuela. É fluente em espanhol, inglês e alemão. Entre seus hobbies pessoais estão as competições de triathlon.

Kevin Strohmeyer and Victor Thu

 Kevin Strohmeyer, Sr. Director Product Marketing Workspace Services

 Victor Thu, Director Product Marketing Workspace Services

Macrcio Moerbeck

Marcio Moerbeck, Gerente Sr. do Programa para Mercados Emergentes e Lider, VMware LATAM

Com mais de 15 anos de experiência na condução de estratégias de marketing para a indústria de telecom e TI, Moerbeck é um especialista em marketing B2B / B2C focado em métricas orientadas pela geração de demanda e programas de sócio / canal.

Ele se juntou à VMware em 2010 como Gerente de Marketing para o Norte da América Latina e do Caribe (NOLA) e, em 2013, foi promovido a Gerente Sênior de NOLA.

Na VMware, Moerbeck recebeu muitos elogios mostrando sua paixão e dedicação à empresa, incluindo sua nomeação mais recente em 2013 para o prêmio EPIC2 (Excelência, Paixão, Inovação, Compromisso e Clientes Ele era um candidato regional de uma lista global em que só 30 funcionários foram nomeados em todo o mundo. Em 2012, ele foi premiado como Colaborador do Ano na América Latina. Em 2011, Moerbeck recebeu o Prêmio PITA (Paixão, Inovação, Trabalho em Equipe e Responsabilidade e, em 2010, foi premiado como Gerente de Marketing do Ano.

Moerbeck dedicou os primeiros 10 anos de sua carreira profissional a equipes de vendas e marketing em companhias como Samsung Mobile e UTStarcom, sempre com foco em mercados emergentes ao redor do mundo. Em 2009, passou para a indústria de TI como líder em todas as atividades de marketing e operações do Grupo Unlimited Potential da Microsoft na América Latina.

Moerbeck é fluente em Espanhol, Inglês e Português e promove os benefícios da virtualização em nome da VMware em eventos regionais. Ao longo de sua carreira Moerbeck foi certificado em Otimização em Landing Page e F.U.E.L certificado em B2B Marketing.

Moerbeck recebeu seu diploma de Bacharel em Marketing pela Florida Universidade Internacional de Florida (FIU) e mestrado em Administração de Empresas e Finanças pela Universidade Florida Atlantic.

Claudia Bierschenk

Marketing Operations LATAM VMware Inc. Moderador

Con más de 15 años de experiencia en mercadeo y comunicaciones, Claudia Bierschenk ha dirigido y ejecutado diversas campañas a lo largo y ancho de la región. Desde el 2010, Claudia está a cargo de las operaciones de mercadeo de VMware Inc. en América Latina y el Caribe.

Basada en Miami, FL, Claudia es la responsable de los eventos en línea en la región, así como las comunicaciones internas y externas para Latinoamérica. Supervisa la publicidad de la marca, promociones, relaciones públicas y es el principal apoyo en las campañas lideradas por el corporativo en conjunto con los directores de marketing en los diferentes mercados de la región. Igualmente es responsable de reportar y controlar el presupuesto regional anual para la oficina principal de VMware en Palo Alto, CA.

Dentro de sus contribuciones en VMware, la ejecutiva lideró el lanzamiento de los populares Webcasts en español y portugués para América Latina. Además también introdujo el boletín para socios de negocios resaltando eventos profesionales y oportunidades de crecimiento para los distribuidores de la marca.

Antes de incorporarse a VMware, Claudia desempeñó el cargo de especialista de mercadeo en Palm Inc., actualmente HP, para América Latina y el Caribe.

Claudia posee un MBA de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida (FIU) y es Licenciada en Comunicaciones de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello en Venezuela. Domina el idioma español, inglés y alemán. Entre sus aficiones personales se encuentran las competencias de Triatlón.

Marcio Moerbeck


Marcio Moerbeck, Gerente Sr. do Programa para Mercados Emergentes e Lider, VMware LATAM

Con más de 15 años de experiencia en la conducción de las estrategias de mercadeo para los sectores de telecomunicaciones y TI, Marcio es un especialista en B2B/B2C marketing centrado en métricas impulsadas por generación de demanda y programas de socios y/o canales.

Se sumó al equipo de VMware en 2010 como gerente de mercadeo para el Norte de América Latina y el Caribe (NOLA). En el año 2013 fue ascendido a gerente senior de NOLA.

En VMware, Moerbeck ha recibido muchos distinciones que muestran su pasión y dedicación, incluyendo su más reciente nominación en 2013 para el premio EPIC2 (Excelencia, Pasión, Innovación, Compromiso y Clientes) en el que él fue nominado como un candidato regional en la lista global de nominados, en la cual sólo 30 empleados fueron nombrados de todas las oficinas de VMware a nivel global. En 2012, fue premiado como Colaborador del Año en Latinoamérica. En el año 2011 recibió el Premio PITA (Pasión, Innovación, Trabajo en equipo y Responsabilidad) y en 2010 ganó el premio a director de marketing del año.

Moerbeck dedicó los primeros 10 años de su carrera profesional a desarrollar equipos de ventas y mercadeo en compañías como Samsung Mobile y UTStarcom, siempre centrándose en los mercados emergentes alrededor del mundo. En 2009, hizo la transición en la industria de TI como líder en todas las actividades de mercadeo y operaciones del Grupo Unlimited Potential de Microsoft en Latinoamérica.

Moerbeck es trilingüe (español, inglés y portugués). Promueve los beneficios de la virtualización en nombre de VMware en los eventos de la región. A lo largo de su carrera Moerbeck se certificó en Landing Page Optimization y  en F.U.E.L, una certificación en B2B Marketing.

Es licenciado en mercadeo por la Universidad Internacional de Florida y un obtuvo una maestrí en Administración de Empresas y Finanzas por la Universidad de Florida Atlantic.



Claudia Bierschenk

Marketing Operations LATAM  VMware Inc. Moderador

 Con más de 15 años de experiencia en mercadeo y comunicaciones, Claudia Bierschenk ha dirigido y ejecutado diversas campañas a lo largo y ancho de la región. Desde el 2010, Claudia está a cargo de las operaciones de mercadeo de VMware Inc. en América Latina y el Caribe.

 Basada en Miami, FL, Claudia es la responsable de los eventos en línea en la región, así como las comunicaciones internas y externas para Latinoamérica. Supervisa la publicidad de la marca, promociones, relaciones públicas y es el principal apoyo en las campañas lideradas por el corporativo en conjunto con los directores de marketing en los diferentes mercados de la región. Igualmente es responsable de reportar y controlar el presupuesto regional anual para la oficina principal de VMware en Palo Alto, CA.

 Dentro de sus contribuciones en VMware, la ejecutiva lideró el lanzamiento de los populares Webcasts en español y portugués para América Latina. Además también introdujo el boletín para socios de negocios resaltando eventos profesionales y oportunidades de crecimiento para los distribuidores de la marca.

 Antes de incorporarse a VMware, Claudia desempeñó el cargo de especialista de mercadeo en Palm Inc., actualmente HP, para América Latina y el Caribe.

 Claudia posee un MBA de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida (FIU) y es Licenciada en Comunicaciones de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello en Venezuela. Domina el idioma español, inglés y alemán. Entre sus aficiones personales se encuentran las competencias de Triatlón.

Mark Schweighardt
Mark Schweighardt is Director of Product Marketing in the Networking & Security Business Unit at VMware. He is focused on marketing and sales enablement for VMware NSX. For the past 16 years, Mark has held various product management and product marketing positions, mostly at Silicon Valley start-ups focused on solving IT security problems. Mark has worked closely with hundreds of large enterprise companies from a variety of industries, including financial services, banking, healthcare, federal government, high tech, and many others. Prior to joining VMware, Mark held positions at Voltage Security, Encentuate, and ActivIdentity.
Matthew Kwok and George Kobar

Matthew Kwok, Product Marketing Manager

George Kobar,
Senior Technical Marketing Manager

Mike Eisenberg

  Mike Eisenberg, Sr. Systems Engineer

Nikhil Kelshikar
Nikhil Kelshikar is a Sr. Director responsible for Technical Product Management in VMware’s Networking and Security Business Unit. He has a background in Data Center Networking having worked with VMware NSX and at Cisco.
Nimish Desai
Philip Say & Simon Momber

Philip Say, Senior Director Cloud Solutions Marketing

Simon Momber, System Engineer

Pooja Virkud
Scott Lowe

Scott Lowe, Engineering Architect

Simon Momber

Simon Momber, vCloud Solution Architect, VMware

Sumit Dhawan

Sumit Dhawan, SVP and GM of VMware Desktops, VMware

Sumit Dhawan and Adam R. Smith

Sumit Dhawan, SVP and GM of VMware Desktops, VMware

Adam R. Smith, Android and Chrome for Work, Google

Tommy Trogden

Tommy Trogden is a Director in the Global Product Marketing Group at EMC. He is passionate about all things End User Computing and Software Defined Datacenter. He’s been recognized as a Cisco Champion for Data Center, VMware vExpert and an EMC Elect Community champion.  He bleeds community!  Check Out Tommy’s blog at vTexan.com or follow him @vTexan

Host Space [2138]
Latin America (users)
VMware Education Services
VMware vCloud Booth
What's new with VSOM 6
zVirtual SAN 6: Ask the Experts
Theater - Genesis
EMC Sponsor Space
EMC delivers and innovates Converged and Hyper-Converged Infrastructure options which provide our customers with the best choices for their specific infrastructure and business needs. Additional information about EMC can be found at www.EMC.com.
EMC Sponsor Space
End-User Computing
EUC Sponsor Space
VMware End-User Computing helps organizations create desktop computing environments that are truly inspired by mobility – desktops built on a secure, mobile cloud architecture, offering flexibility in delivery and ownership models, with a fresh user experience across all devices and giving IT simplified management and unbeatable ROI - thus paving the way for IT to evolve past the limitations of legacy desktop architectures, delivering end-user freedom with secure access to services at the lowest cost, whether delivered on-premises or through a hybrid cloud.
mobility,mobile,AirWatch,VDI,desktop,apps,App Volumes,UEM,Horizon,FLEX,Horizon Air,View,Mirage,ThinApp,
Enterprise Hybrid Cloud - VMware vCloud® Air™
Hybrid Cloud 1
vCloud® Air is a public cloud platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere, compatible with your on-premises data center, that includes infrastructure, disaster recovery, and various applications as service offerings. vCloud Air allows you to extend your workloads into the cloud with ease. You can migrate existing onsite virtual machines (VMs) to the public cloud or start up new application VMs directly in the cloud. You can also easily port VMs and other business-critical workloads back and forth to the location of your choice, all with the secure and capable foundation of vSphere.
Hybrid Cloud, IaaS, vCloud Hybrid Service, vCloud Air, vCloud, VMware Hybrid Cloud, VMware Cloud, Cloud Service, Hybrid Cloud Provider, Public Cloud, Cloud, Disaster Recovery, Cloud-based Disaster Recovery, vCHS-DR, Air DR, vCloud Air Disaster Recovery, vCloud Hybrid Service – Disaster Recovery,vCloud Government Service, vCloud Government Service provided by Carpathia, Federal Hybrid Cloud, Federal Cloud Service, Government Cloud Service, Hybrid Cloud for Government, Federal Cloud Providers
Enterprise Mobility Management (AirWatch)
Enterprise Mobility Management (AirWatch)
Enterprise Mobility Management (AirWatch)
Help Desk
Help Desk - Eclipse 2.0
Universal - Full 3D
IaaS Best Practices with vCloud Suite
IaaS Best Practices with vCloud Suite
IaaS Best Practices with vCloud Suite
Key Steps for Moving Applications to vCloud Air
Key Steps for Moving Applications to vCloud Air
Key Steps for Moving Applications to vCloud Air
Latin America (LATAM)
LATAM Sponsor Space
This is the *about us* part of the booth....all about the Latin America Sponsor Space!
LATAM Sponsor Space
Micro-segmentation and Customer Use Cases
Micro-segmentation and Customer Use Cases
Micro-segmentation and Customer Use Cases
New Product Center
New Product Center Sponsor Space
Explore all of the newest innovations in the areas of the Software-Defined Data Center, End User Computing, and Hybrid Cloud. Learn about how you can utilize the new self-service capabilities in Virtual SAN 6, reduce downtime, cost, and troubleshooting issues with VMware vSphere® with Operations Management™, isolate and distribute applications in real time with the VMware Horizon Application Management Bundle, and extend your private, on-premises cloud into the public cloud with VMware vCloud® Air™.
Operational Best Practices for NSX
Operational Best Practices for NSX
Operational Best Practices for NSX
Resource Center
Resource Center - Genesis V2
Resource Center
The Mission Case for Hybrid Cloud in Government
The Mission Case for Hybrid Cloud in Government
The Mission Case for Hybrid Cloud in Government
Virtual SAN 6: Ask the Experts
Virtual San 6: Ask the Experts
Virtual SAN 6: Ask the Experts
VMware Sponsor Space
Introducing the Architecture for a Brave New Model of IT: Learn how our One Cloud, Any Application, Any Device architecture enables IT organizations like yours to operate on- and off-premises clouds as a single, unified environment. Our unified platform uses open management capabilities to deliver any application to any device.
VMware Sponsor Space
VMware Education Services
Education Services Sponsor Space
VMware Education Services delivers training and certification programs designed to help customers achieve their desired business outcomes.
Education Services Sponsor Space, training,certification,vSphere,learning zone,on demand,webinars,education,learning,sddc,nsx,
VMware NSX
NSX Sponsor Space
VMware NSX is the network virtualization platform for the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC). By bringing the operational model of a virtual machine to your data center network, you can transform the economics of network and security operations. NSX lets you treat your physical network as a pool of transport capacity, with network and security services attached to VMs with a policy-driven approach. NSX delivers: - Proven Networking for the SDDC - Security and Micro-segmentation - Agility and Streamlined Operations - Platform for Advanced Networking and Security Services
NSX, Network Virtualization, Micro-Segmentation, security, software defined data center, SDDC
VMware User Group
VMUG Sponsor Space
Officially launched in August of 2010, the VMware User Group (VMUG) is an independent, global, customer-led organization, created to maximize members’ use of VMware and partner solutions through knowledge sharing, training, collaboration, and events. With over 100,000 members worldwide, we are the largest organization for virtualization users. Our standing partnership with VMware has allowed us to create an ever-growing network of customers and partners who continue to strategically impact VMware products and services.
VMUG Sponsor Space
VMware Virtual SAN
VSAN Sponsor Space
VMware® Virtual SAN™ is radically simple, hypervisor-converged storage for virtual machines. It delivers enterprise-class, high performance storage for virtualized applications, including business-critical applications. The scale-out architecture leveraging x86 servers and server-side flash drastically lowers overall storage TCO. Its seamless integration with VMware vSphere® and the entire VMware stack makes it the simplest storage platform for virtual machines.
VSAN Sponsor Space
What's new with VSOM 6
What's new with VSOM 6
What's new with VSOM 6
What's new with vSphere 6
What's new with vSphere 6
What's new with vSphere 6
¿Por qué los clientes trascienden el statu quo con VMware Horizon 6 (con View)? Las nuevas soluciones les permiten a los clientes abordar de manera integral tanto las necesidades de los usuarios finales como los requisitos de TI. En la actualidad, los clientes no tienen que establecerse en un lugar fijo, ni deberían hacerlo, porque ahora pueden llevar su administración y suministro de aplicaciones y escritorios heredados con ellos adonde vayan, de la misma manera que los agentes de bienes raíces pueden llevar el acceso a sus datos de seguimiento de una casa a la otra y que los médicos pueden trasladar su escritorio móvil conforme atienden a sus pacientes en distintos lugares.
¿Sueña con simplificar la administración de las operaciones de TI? ¿Administra un entorno de TI con herramientas de monitoreo tradicionales o soluciones puntuales de diversos proveedores? ¿Lucha contra el aumento de la complejidad y la cantidad excesiva de tiempo dedicado a la administración y la resolución de problemas que afecta la productividad de su equipo? ¿Enfrenta la presión implacable de reducir los costos y el tiempo fuera de servicio y de aumentar el retorno de la inversión?
“Software-Defined Datacenter - Evolving Datacenter Management and IT Skills” by Cushing Anderson IDC Analyst In this IDC whitepaper sponsored by VMware, IDC Analyst Cushing Anderson determines that the benefits of a software-defined data center can be realized only by accelerating the evolution of the datacenter, which involves transforming technology, transforming processes to manage the datacenter, and transforming the IT staff with increased and ongoing training.
3 Ways to Speed Your Software Development Life Cycle This slideshare presentation highlights three reasons why using vCloud Air for development and testing speeds the software develoment life cycle by providing consistent, properly configured infrastructure, eliminating inconsistencies between dev/test and production, and enabling self-service to improve developer productivity.
5 características esenciales de una plataforma de virtualización líder vSphere with Operations Management le ofrece la plataforma de virtualización más confiable del mundo, que cuenta con capacidades operacionales fundamentales para monitorear el rendimiento y administrar la capacidad. Para tomar la mejor decisión para su organización, le presentamos cinco aspectos que debe comprender cuando emprende el viaje hacia la virtualización.
5 maneiras em que a virtualização pode proteger sua empresa hoje Além de reduzir os custos, a virtualização também cria uma solução robusta de continuidade de negócios e recuperação de desastres.
5 ?maneras en que la virtualización puede proteger su negocio ahora La virtualización permite reducir los costos y también permite obtener una solución continuidad del negocio y recuperación ante desastres (BCDR, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) sólida.
7 Reasons to Consider Virtual SAN
AirWatch Case Study - Financial Services Accounting Firm Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
AirWatch Case Study - Financial Services & Insurance Lockton Companies
AirWatch Case Study - Higher Education Duke University Football Scores Touchdown with Tablets Managed with AirWatch
AirWatch Pricing and Packaging Information
AirWatch Solution Overview
AirWatch Whitepaper Collection Access the whitepaper collection that covers trends in mobility to BYOD strategies.
Almacenamiento definido por el software: qué significa para el profesional de TI La virtualización de servidores ha cambiado la manera en que TI ejecuta los centros de datos en todo el mundo. Según Gartner, más del 70 % de las cargas de trabajo de los servidores x86 ya han sido virtualizadas para 20141. La mayoría de las empresas ahora opera con una política de “primero virtual” que establece que las aplicaciones deben implementarse en plataformas virtuales de manera predeterminada.
App Volumes Datasheet
App Volumes Deployment Guide - Technical Whitepaper This deployment guide presents a high-level overview of VMware App Volumes™. It describes App Volumes capabilities, architecture, and implementation requirements and addresses frequently asked high-level questions about deploying an App Volumes solution.
Armazenamento definido por software: o que isso significa para o profissional de TI A virtualização de servidores mudou o modo como a TI opera os data centers ao redor do mundo. De acordo com a Gartner, em 2014, mais de 70 por cento das cargas de trabalho dos servidores x86 foram virtualizadas1. Hoje a maioria das empresas opera com uma política do tipo virtual primeiro , na qual os aplicativos são implantados em plataformas virtuais por padrão.
Become a Feed4ward Mentor Assist in developing skills and knowledge. Provide insight and perspective. Act as coach, teacher, advisor.
Building a Business Case for VMware Virtual SAN
Certification Learn about the New Certification structure and roadmap for 2015
Certification Roadmap VMware certification program structure where you begin your certification journey either at the Associate or Professional level, continuing upwards to Advanced and Expert Levels.
Cincinnati Bell Achieves Scalable Cloud Infrastructure & Reduces Costs with Virtual SAN
Cinco características essenciais de uma plataforma de virtualização vencedora O vSphere with Operations Management oferece a plataforma de virtualização mais confiável do mundo, com recursos operacionais essenciais para monitorar o desempenho e gerenciar a capacidade. Para tomar a melhor decisão na sua empresa, você deve entender cinco aspectos à medida que segue na jornada rumo à virtualização.
Cinco motivos para elevar o nível do seu ambiente de virtualização Estudo revela que a adição de recursos robustos de gerenciamento leva a aumentos de 20 a 40 por cento nas principais métricas de desempenho
Cinco razones para llevar su entorno de virtualización a un nuevo nivel Los estudios demuestran que la incorporación de capacidades de administración eficientes genera un incremento del 20 % al 40 % en las métricas clave de rendimiento
Course Catalog See our new Course catalog to find a training course in your area.
CUSTOMER CASE STUDY: CLUTCH GROUP XtremIO All-Flash Array redefines paradigms in the legal services marketplace
Customer Case Study: NTT Chooses VMware NSX for Global Cloud Infrastructure NTT virtualized its network and achieved almost immediate benefit. Following the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, NTT was able to provide live migration of applications between any of its data centers ahead of mandated power conservation “brown-outs,” without service interruption or specialized hardware.
Customer Case Study: Schools Put IT Savings Back into Kids and Classrooms with VMware NSX To improve security, efficiencies, scalability and lower costs, IlliniCloud turned to a VMware-powered Software-Defined Data Center underpinned by VMware NSX – the network virtualization and security platform. VMware NSX brings the operational model of a virtual machine to a data center network, transforming the economics of network and security operations.
Customer Spotlight Share your story on technical products and implementations virtually or at a local group/UserCon!
Demo: User Environment Management See how to instantly adapt the user environment when launching an application in this demo video.
Desktop Assessment Take the free desktop assessment to gather baseline performance data to fully understand your requirements, and assess which platform is best for your environment
Disaster Recovery Overview Watch this 2-minute animated video for an introduction to vCloud Air Disaster Recovery and learn about the highlights and key benefits of the service.
DOE Fund has found the Holy Grail of Storage with Virtual SAN
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Education Customer Brochure Overview of Education Service offerings including Training options available for customers and details on Certification
Education ViewPoint Interactive Magazine The VMware Education ViewPoint is a quarterly magazine that offers training and certification news and information you need to be successful.
eLearning Center Webcasts, On-Demand Content, Customer Stories
Enterprise-Class Hybrid Cloud Service for Government VMware vCloud® Government Service™ provided by Carpathia®, is an enterprise-class hybrid cloud service that offers government agencies the freedom to run existing and new applications onsite, in the cloud, or both, with the assurance of FedRAMP Authority to Operate. vCloud Government Service is built on the award-winning foundation of vSphere, the same platform trusted by so many federal and defense organizations to run their data centers.
Está sonhando em simplificar o gerenciamento de suas operações de TI? Você gerencia um ambiente de TI com ferramentas tradicionais de monitoramento ou soluções pontuais de vários fornecedores? Complexidade cada vez maior e desperdício de tempo com gerenciamento e solução de problemas: o que afeta a produtividade da sua equipe? E a pressão incessante para reduzir os custos e o tempo de inatividade, e ainda aumentar o ROI?
Featured Bloggers Craving more information on VMware products? Stay up to date from expert bloggers in the community. Read up on what's happening in your industry.
Feed4ward Interested in presenting but want to grow your presentation skills? Become a mentor or become mentored today!
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Free Self-paced Learning Access free eLearning courses in multiple languages covering several VMware solutions
Free Webinar: Demystifying the Software Defined Data Center To meet changing demands, organizations must innovate and invest in new capabilities and flexible infrastructure. By understanding the architecture of the Software-Defined Enterprise, you can create the ideal environment to run and manage your applications
Free Webinar: Designing a Virtual Infrastructure Architecture Anyone interested in exploring and understanding the issues and technologies involved in designing a VMware vSphere® 5 virtual infrastructure should attend this FREE webinar. Attendees will learn: • How to identify the requirements, constraints, and assumptions that factor into a virtual infrastructure architecture • What the major architectural components are in a design • Which deliverables are likely to be included in a design
FREE Webinar: Introduction to VMware NSX VMware NSX™ is the network virtualization and security platform for the software-defined data center. NSX brings virtualization to your existing network and transforms network operations and economics. Join us for this webinar for an introduction to the major features of VMware NSX.
Free Webinar: Micro-segmentation with VMware NSX In a software defined data center, a zero trust security model becomes achievable when taking advantage of features in VMware NSX. Join us for this one hour webinar to learn more about the major features and capabilities of VMware NSX 6.1, including: • Logical switching • Distributed routing • Micro-segmentation with the Distributed firewall
FREE Webinar: Storage Policy Based Management with Virtual SAN VMware® Virtual SAN™ is radically simple hypervisor-converged storage. Virtual SAN introduces a new high performance storage tier optimized for virtual environments that is simple, resilient, efficient, and reduces the total cost of ownership. Join us for a webinar introducing the major features of VMware Virtual SAN and learn how VMware Virtual SAN and Storage Policy Based Management enhances your data center.
FREE Webinar: Troubleshooting VMware vSphere [V5.5] Learn to increase your skill and competency using the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface (vCLI) to analyze problems. The webinar discusses best practices using products VMware® ESXi™ 5.5, VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5, and vCloud Director.
FREE Webinar: vCloud Automation Center VMware vCloud® Automation Center™ drives business agility by automating the delivery of personalized IT services. Attend the webinar and learn from a use case for the vCloud Automation Center architecture within today’s multivendor cloud environments. Gain knowledge on how to build and provision blueprints and assemble vCloud Automation Center workflows.
Free Webinar: vSphere with Operations Management Anyone interested in the advantages of using vSphere with Operations Management to manage and monitor their vSphere environments should attend this FREE webinar. Attendees will learn: • Highlights and features available in vSOM • How to use operations management to monitor keys aspects of your vSphere environments • How to drill down and find the root cause of an issue • “What-If” scenarios to analyze the effects of resource changes
FREE Webinar: What's New in Horizon (with View) 6.x Anyone interested in the new features in Horizon (with View) 6 should attend this FREE webinar
Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Mobility Management Suites Gartner's assessment of AirWatch as the Leader in Enterprise Mobility Management solutions.
Horizon 6 Free Trial Download a free 60 day trial of Horizon 6 (registration is required)
How You Can Use the Cloud for Disaster Recovery
How You Can Use The Cloud For Disaster Recovery This one page brief highlights the top three use cases for using vCloud Air Disaster Recovery to protect applications and data in vSphere environments.
Hybrid Model Eases Path to Cloud Adoption
Hybrid Model Eases Path To Cloud Adoption - vCGS Hybrid Model Eases Path to Cloud Adoption - vCGS
IBC Bank Case Study
IDC ANALYST REPORT Worldwide All-Flash Array and Hybrid Flash Array 2014–2018 Forecast
Infographic: A New Strategy for Enterprise Storage
Introducing vSphere with Operations Management
Introduction to VMware vCloud Air Watch this video to learn about the benefits of moving applications and workloads to VMware vCloud Air, a cloud service platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere. Get a look at the user interface and how easy it is to set up users, define networking, and manage cloud resources. Learn more at vcloud.vmware.com.
Itrica Provides Scalable Cloud Solutions using Virtual SAN
LEADER IN TECHNOLOGY - XTREMIO This infograhic will explain how EMC's XtremIO is the industry's leading solution, unmatched in the all-flash array market
LEARN MORE ABOUT XTREMIO XtremIO is designed with totally unique capabilities that let you turbocharge your data center with advantages you've never had before.
Learning Zone Customer brief VMware Learning Zone is a subscription service that gives customers a full year of unlimited, 24/7 access to official VMware video-based training. Top VMware experts and instructors share solutions, provide tips and give advice on a variety of advanced topics.
Learning Zone details Continuous Learning beyond the classroom: VMware Learning Zone is a cloud-based, on-demand video library that delivers 24/7 access to training from top VMware experts. This subscription-based service caters to expert-level technology professionals.
Los 7 desafíos clave de TI resueltos Los analistas de tecnología de Taneja Group* examinaron las capacidades relativas a la virtualización, la infraestructura definida por el software, la administración y automatización, y la nube híbrida de cuatro proveedores líderes: VMware, Microsoft, Amazon y Citrix. El estudio comparativo demostró que las soluciones de VMware eran las más adecuadas para los 7 desafíos clave de TI que las pymes indicaron que enfrentan a la hora de buscar servicios de virtualización y computación en nube.
Migrating to an Enterprise-Class Hybrid Cloud for Government: Top 5 Considerations VMware vCloud® Government Service provided by Carpathia® is an enterprise-class hybrid cloud solution built on vSphere®, which empowers government customers to leverage existing investments in applications and infrastructure. As a result, government agencies can avoid the cost and complexity of re-architecting and retraining sta for public cloud infrastructure that is radicallydifferent from what is in place today.
Migrating to Enterprise-Class Gov - Top 5 Consideration Migrating to Enterprise-Class Gov- Top 5 considerations
Migrating to Enterprise-class Hybrid Cloud for Government: Top 5 Considerations
Mind The Gap with Cloud Based Disaster Recovery Every business wants to protect its operations from downtime and loss of data, yet they often lack the time and resources to adequately mind the growing gaps in disaster recovery and continuity planning. VMware vCloud® Air™ Disaster Recovery helps to bridge the gaps by recovering critical applications in the cloud while addressing budget, time, and resources constraints.
Moving to Hybrid Cloud: Top 5 Considerations Businesses are embracing public cloud because it promises increased agility and scalability. But it can also introduce complexity, interoperability, and security concerns. Hybrid cloud is emerging as a way to mitigate those concerns by providing the right combination of internal controls with the ability to securely scale to meet business demand for IT resources. As you contemplate moving various pre-production and production workloads—and your mission-critical and sensitive data—to the cloud, be sure to develop a strategic approach based on your business and IT objectives.Here are the top five considerations to keep in mind as you begin evaluating hybrid cloud for your workloads:
NSX Training and Certification Make your journey to the SDDC a reality with expert NSX training from VMware
NSX: Plataforma ideal para la virtualización de redes VMware NSX™ es la plataforma de virtualización de redes líder que suministra el modelo operacional de una máquina virtual para la red. Al igual que las máquinas virtuales para procesamiento, las redes virtuales se aprovisionan de manera programática y se administran en forma independiente del hardware subyacente. NSX reproduce todo el modelo de red en software, y permite crear y aprovisionar cualquier topología de red (desde redes simples hasta redes complejas de múltiples niveles) en segundos.
NSX: Plataforma para a virtualização da redes O VMware NSX™ é a plataforma líder de virtualização de rede que fornece o modelo operacional de uma máquina virtual para a rede. Semelhante a máquinas virtuais para processar, as redes virtuais são provisionadas e gerenciadas de forma programática independente do hardware subjacente. O NSX reproduz todo o modelo de rede no software, o que permite criar e provisionar qualquer topologia de rede, desde redes simples até redes multicamadas complexas, em questão de segundos. Ele ativa uma biblioteca de elementos e serviços de rede lógica, como switches lógicos, roteadores, firewalls, balanceadores de carga, VPN e segurança de carga de trabalho. Os usuários podem criar redes virtuais isoladas por meio de combinações personalizadas desses recursos.
On Demand Brochure This self-paced learning solution gives you 45 days of unlimited access to interactive, modular training and hands-on practice labs.
On Demand Courses VMware On Demand is a robust, self-paced learning solution delivering modular training combined with hands-on practice labs, giving you a powerful alternative to traditional classroom training.
One Cloud, Any Application, Any Device Brief
Onsite training Private, onsite training is the perfect option for organizations that need a cost-effective way to train a large number of employees all at once. The cost per student is lower than the cost of a public class, you can tailor the content to your specific needs, and class is scheduled around your schedule, not ours.
Oregon State University Case Study
Por que os clientes estão inovando com o VMware Horizon 6 (com View) Novas soluções permitem que os clientes tratem tanto das necessidades dos usuários finais quanto dos requisitos de TI de forma abrangente. Hoje, os clientes não precisam se acomodar, nem devem, pois agora podem levar suas soluções legadas de gerenciamento e entrega de desktops e aplicativos com eles quando fazem upgrades. Da mesma forma, os corretores de imóveis podem ter acesso a dados de acompanhamento entre uma propriedade e outra e os médicos podem levar seu desktop do tipo siga-me nas visitas aos pacientes.
Promotions Learn more about special offers on VMware training and certification
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REDEFINE SYMPLICITY EMC VSPEX BLUE redefines simplicity by delivering virtualization, compute, storage, and management in an agile, scalable, and easy to manage hyper-converged infrastructure appliance. VSPEX BLUE offers the fastest, lowest-risk path to virtualized environments.
Repense sua infraestrutura de virtualização do vSphere O cenário da virtualização mudou radicalmente nos últimos anos, com muitas empresas continuando a consolidar ainda mais cargas de trabalho x86, o que reduz a necessidade de hardware físico. O maior desempenho de hardware permite taxas de consolidação muito maiores do que antes e a proporção 10/1 é amplamente aceita como o mínimo normal.
Replantee su infraestructura de virtualización de vSphere El panorama de la virtualización ha cambiado considerablemente en los últimos años. Muchas empresas siguen consolidando aún más las cargas de trabajo de los servidores x86, lo que genera la necesidad de utilizar menos hardware físico. El mayor rendimiento del hardware permite índices de consolidación mucho más altos que antes, y el índice de 10:1 se acepta ampliamente como el mínimo normal. Estos índices de consolidación están impulsando una utilización de recursos del servidor del 80 % para obtener el mejor retorno de la inversión.
?Segurança de rede de dentro com o VMware NSX ...Antes, pensávamos apenas no perímetro. Agora, estamos protegendo a rede de dentro.
Seguridad avanzada desde el interior con VMware NSX ...Solíamos pensar únicamente en el perímetro. Ahora estamos protegiendo la red desde el interior.
Seus sete maiores desafios de TI resolvidos Os analistas de tecnologia do Taneja Group* examinaram os recursos de virtualização, infraestrutura definida por software, gerenciamento/automação e nuvem híbrida dos quatro principais fornecedores: VMware, Microsoft, Amazon e Citrix. O estudo comparativo revelou que as soluções da VMware foram as mais capazes de solucionar os sete principais desafios de TI que as PMEs afirmam enfrentar ao buscar serviços de
Software Defined Storage: What it Means for the IT Practitioner
Submit a Customer Spotlight Presentation Speaker Submission form
The VMware NSX Network Virtualization Platform - VMware Solutions: Designed for Early and Ongoing Success The VMware NSX network virtualization platform provides the critical third pillar of VMware's SDDC architecture. In much the same way that server virtualization allows operators to programmatically create, snapshot, delete and restore software-based virtual machines (VMs) on demand, NSX enables virtual networks to be created, saved and deleted and restored on demand without requiring any reconfiguration of the physical network. The result fundamentally transforms the data center network operational model, reduces network provisioning time from days or weeks to minutes and dramatically simplifies network operations.
Three Easy Steps to Get Started with Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand This 2-page Tech Tips features how users can sign up and start using Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand in three easy steps.
Top 3 Use Cases for Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand vCloud Air Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand provides instant secure access to pay-as-you-go compute resources. This brief outlines the top three ways businesses can use this service to extend data center capacity, accelerate development and testing, and to test drive the cloud without a major investment.
Top 4 Ways to Use vCloudAir for Development and Testing This one-page brief describes the top four ways an organization can take advantage of using vCloud Air for development and testing applications in their environment.
Top 5 Reaons for Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Top 5 Reasons for Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery
Top 5 Reasons for Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery
Top 5 Reasons to Choose vCloud Air This slideshow presentation highlights the top five reasons that vCloud Air provides a true hybrid cloud platform for businesses to seamlessly extend their data center to the cloud while using the same vSphere technology, security, networking, management tools, processes and support that they already know and trust.
Top 7 Benefits of an Enterprise Class Hybrid Cloud for Government VMware vCloud® Government Service provided by Carpathia® is an enterprise-class hybrid cloud service that delivers the tried and tested VMware capabilities widely used by government organizations today, with the added security and compliance assurance of FedRAMP authorization.
Top 7 Benefits of an Enterprise-class Hybrid Cloud for Government
Top Ten Benefits of vCloud Air
Top Ten Benefits of vCloud Air Top Ten Benefits of vCloud Air
Understanding Data Locality in VMware Virtual SAN
vCloud Air Datasheet
vCloud Air Datasheet vCloud Air Datasheet
vCloud Air Disaster Recovery Datasheet
vCloud Air Disaster Recovery FAQ
vCloud Air Disaster Recovery FAQ vCloud Air Disaster Recovery FAQ
vCloud Air FAQ
vCloud Air FAQ vCloud Air FAQ
vCloud Air Government Service Datasheet
vCloud Air: Mind the Gap
vCloud Government Service Carpathia Datasheet vCloud Government Service Carpathia Datasheet
Video, Carl Eschenbach, President and COO of VMware Carl Eschenbach discusses how training from VMware Education Services helps customers speed technology adoption, achieve business outcomes and accelerate time to value.
Video, Certification Roadmap VMware has introduced a new Certification roadmap that sets a new standard for IT professionals and validates the critical skills organizations need to adopt and manage the technology that helps your customers achieve desired business outcomes.
Video, Learning Zone Continuous Learning beyond the classroom
Virtual Event Attend this event in the comfort of your own home. Learn about the latest products, network with other users, find out the latest content here in the virtual environment.
Virtual SAN 6.0 Data Sheet
Virtual SAN 6.0 Design and Sizing Guide
Virtual SAN 6.0 Technical Whitepaper
Virtual SAN at Oregon State University Infographic
Virtual SAN Design and Sizing Guide
Virtual SAN Product Page
Virtual SAN Ready Nodes
Virtual SAN TCO Calculator
Virtualização 2.0 Assim como a mobilidade evoluiu dos primeiros celulares para smartphones de última geração, possibilitando uma variedade de serviços de valor agregado, a próxima evolução da virtualização está aqui. Ela também está oferecendo funcionalidade, automação e produtividade inéditas para a TI.
Virtualización 2.0 De la misma manera en que la movilidad evolucionó de los primeros teléfonos inalámbricos a los teléfonos inteligentes de siguiente generación para ofrecer una variedad de servicios de valor agregado, la siguiente evolución de la virtualización está aquí.
Virtualization 2.0 Dummies Guide
VMware App Volumes Deployment Guide
VMware Certification Pros See how being VMware Certified can help your career and get advice for pursuing your goals.
VMware Horizon 6 Amplíe el poder de la virtualización del centro de datos a los dispositivos. Mediante VMware Horizon® 6, se proporcionan aplicaciones y escritorios virtualizados o remotos a los usuarios finales por medio de una plataforma única. Estos servicios de escritorios y aplicaciones, que incluyen las aplicaciones alojadas en servicios de escritorio remoto (RDS, Remote Desktop Services), las aplicaciones empaquetadas con VMware ThinApp®, las aplicaciones de software como servicio (SaaS, Software as a Service) e, incluso, las aplicaciones virtualizadas de Citrix, están disponibles en un espacio de trabajo unificado y puede acceder a ellos desde diferentes dispositivos, ubicaciones, medios y conexiones.
VMware Horizon 6 Estenda o poder da virtualização do data center aos dispositivos. O VMware Horizon® 6 fornece aplicativos e desktops remotos ou virtualizados aos usuários finais por meio de uma única plataforma. Esses serviços de desktops e aplicativos, incluindo aplicativos RDS hospedados, aplicativos em pacote com o VMware ThinApp®, aplicativos SaaS e até aplicativos virtualizados da Citrix, podem ser acessados de um espaço de trabalho unificado em vários dispositivos, locais, mídias e conexões.
VMware Horizon 6 Overview Overview of Horizon 6, with product details, version overview, and tips to make the move.
VMware Horizon Air Overview VMware Horizon® Air™ Desktops and VMware Horizon® Air™ Apps, (formerly VMware Horizon® DaaS®) product details on how to simplify the delivery of Windows desktops and applications as a cloud service.
VMware Horizon Application Management Bundle See how organizations can transform application and end-user management from a slow, cumbersome process into a highly scalable, nimble delivery mechanism that provides end users with access to the right applications every time they log in.
VMware Horizon Application Management Bundle - FAQ
VMware Horizon Application Management Bundle - Solution Brief
VMware Horizon Case Studies
VMware Horizon Financial Services Case Studies
VMware Horizon FLEX Overview VMware Horizon FLEX product overview including benefits and components.
VMware Horizon FLEX Solution Brief Technical overview on VMware Horizon® FLEX™ - a policy-based, containerized desktop solution that allows IT administrators to create, secure, and manage local desktops to meet the needs of workers with their own computers, road warriors, and Mac users in the enterprise.
VMware Horizon Government Case Studies
VMware Horizon Healthcare Case Studies
VMware Horizon Higher Education Case Studies
VMware Horizon K-12 Case Studies
VMware Horizon Pricing and Packaging Pricing and Packaging for Workspace Suite, Horizon Editions, Horizon FLEX, Horizon Air, and related products.
VMware NSX Datasheet VMware NSX™ is the network virtualization and security platform for the Software-Defined Data Center. VMware NSX brings the operational model of a virtual machine to your data center network, transforming the economics of network and security operations.
VMware User Environment Manager Product Overview VMware User Environment Manager™ offers personalization and dynamic policy configuration across any virtual, physical and cloud-based environment. It is a critical component of VMware Workspace Environment Management solutions, which support user-centric computing and address both end-to-end application and user management.
VMware vCloud Air Disaster Recovery DS VMware vCloud Air Disaster Recovery DS
VMware vCloud Air: Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand Watch this short video and learn about the benefits of signing up for Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand online with a browser and a credit card, and getting instant access to cloud compute resources. Learn more at http://www.vmware.com/go/ondemand
VMware vCloud Suite Ediciones Standard, Advanced y Enterprise VMware vCloud Suite® ayuda a las empresas a salir al mercado con mayor rapidez mediante la virtualización y la optimización de la infraestructura, la automatización del abastecimiento de servicios y la oferta de alta disponibilidad para tipos de aplicaciones nuevos y tradicionales, como Big Data. Esto significa que una empresa que utiliza vCloud Suite satisface con mayor rapidez las necesidades de los clientes, dedica más tiempo a la innovación y se encuentra preparada para la próxima generación de aplicaciones.
VMware vCloud Suite Edições Standard, Advanced, Enterprise O VMware vCloud Suite® ajuda empresas a chegar ao mercado mais rapidamente, virtualizando e otimizando a infraestrutura, automatizando entrega de serviços e fornecendo alta disponibilidade para tipos tradicionais e novos de aplicativos, por exemplo, Big Data. Isso significa que uma empresa que executa o vCloud Suite responde mais rápido às necessidades dos clientes, dedica mais tempo à inovação e está pronta para a próxima geração de aplicativos.
VMware Virtual SAN 6.0 Almacenamiento convergente integrado en el hipervisor extremadamente simple ¿Qué es Virtual SAN? VMware Virtual SAN es almacenamiento definido por el software para VMware vSphere. Al unir en clústeres unidades de disco duro (HDD, Hard Disk Drivers) y unidades de estado sólido (SSD, Solid State Drivers) conectadas al servidor, Virtual SAN crea un datastore compartido optimizado con memoria flash y altamente adaptable, diseñado para entornos virtuales.
VMware Virtual SAN 6.0 Armazenamento convergente integrado ao hypervisor O que é o Virtual SAN? O VMware Virtual SAN é um armazenamento definido por software para ambientes VMware vSphere. Com o agrupamento em cluster de discos rígidos anexados ao servidor e/ou unidades de estado sólido (HDDs e/ou SSDs, respectivamente), o Virtual SAN cria um datastore compartilhado otimizado por flash e altamente resiliente desenvolvido para ambientes virtuais.
VMware Virtual SAN 6.0 Datasheet
VMware Virtual SAN Customer Montage
VMware vSphere with Operations Management ¿Qué es vSphere with Operations Management? VMware vSphere with Operations Management ofrece vSphere, la plataforma de virtualización líder del sector, optimizada con capacidades fundamentales de administración de la capacidad y monitoreo del rendimiento. Esto le proporciona un nivel de comprensión superior del centro de datos virtual. Está diseñada para cualquier tamaño de empresa con el fin de ejecutar aplicaciones en niveles altos de servicio y maximizar los ahorros en hardware mediante una mayor utilización de la capacidad e índices más altos de consolidación.
VMware vSphere with Operations Management O que é o vSphere with Operations Management? O VMware vSphere with Operations Management oferece o vSphere, a plataforma de virtualização líder do setor, otimizado com recursos essenciais de monitoramento de desempenho e gerenciamento de capacidade. Isso oferece o próximo nível de visão do seu data center virtual. Ele foi desenvolvido para que empresas de todos os portes executem aplicativos em níveis de serviço altos e maximizem a economia de hardware por meio de taxas mais altas de utilização de capacidade e consolidação. Os departamentos de TI podem obter visibilidade nos ambientes virtuais, identificar e remediar proativamente os problemas de desempenho que surgem, além de otimizar a utilização de recursos por meio de um console unificado.
VMware Workspace Suite Overview Overview fo Workspace Suite which combines application, device and data management with centralized identity management and policy enforcement to empower anytime, anywhere workers, transform workflows and simplify IT management.
vRealize Operations Insight
VSPEX - CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH TO YOUR CLOUD Learn mpre. VSPEX tailors a solution for one environment. Yours.
vSphere 6 Services Brief VMware vSphere® is the world’s leading server virtualization platform, and is the foundation of the Software-Defined Data Center. The new vSphere 6 builds on the success of prior versions of vSphere and extends your ability to virtualize scale-up and scale-out applications, redefine availability, and simplify your virtual data center.
What's New in Horizon 6
What's New in vSphere with Operations Management 6.0?
What's Stopping You From Getting Your Applications Out the Door? This infographic highlights the advantages of developing and testing applications in vCloud Air versus a traditional or other public cloud method, including balancing capacity demands, bridging incompatibility between on premises and off premises environments, and removing the budget and resource barriers to production.
Wiki Contribute content and collaborate with the community of VMware users who are sharing their knowledge. Create a new post today.
Forrester Thought Leadership Paper - Leverage Micro-Segmentation to Build Zero Trust Network
Forrester White Paper: Three Technical Innovation will Inite Zero Trust
Infographic - How Strong is Your Security?
Join Experience
Micro-segmentation For Dummies
Network Virtualization and Security with VMware NSX
Next Gen Security – Combining VMware NSX and Palo Alto Networks Technical White Paper
NSX Product Datasheet
NTT Communications
Schuberg Philis
The VMware NSX Network Virtualization Platform
VMware NSX Distributed Firewalling Policy Rules Configuration
VMware NSX for vSphere (NSX-V) Network Virtualization Design Guide
VMware NSX on Cisco Nexus 7K and UCS Design Guide
VMware NSX with Cisco UCS and Nexus 9000 Switch Design Guide
Attendee Package
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Customer Case Studies